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Tubularix is a free opensource game similar to Tetris seen from a tubular perspective. Game's rules and behavior are very similar to the Tetris ones. It's written in c++ with the Qt 4 libraries.

The game can be run on GNU/Linux, Windows or Mac.

Please, send your comments, suggestions, etc. to tubularix@gmail.com

Youtube video:


Qt 4 (tested on Qt 4.4.3 and 4.5)

Instructions (WINDOWS):

You just need to uncompress the downloaded file, enter the game's directory and run tubularix.exe.

Instructions (GNU/Linux):

If you downloaded a compiled version, you just need to uncompress the file, enter the game's directory and run tubularix.

Compiling and running (GNU/Linux):

  1. Uncompress the file
  2. Open a console, go to the game's directory and run:
  3. qmake (or qmake-qt4, depending on your distribution)
  4. make

If compilation ends successfully, you can go to the game's directory and run tubularix.

Installation (GNU/Linux):

  1. Uncompress the file
  2. Open a console, go to the game's directory and run:
  3. qmake (or qmake-qt4, depending on your distribution)
  4. make
  5. sudo make install

If installation ends succesfully, you can start tubularix directly from a console or launch it from any application launcher.

OS/2 additional notes:

Probably, in order to be able to save high scores correctly you will need to uncomment the lines from mainwindow.cpp that follow this commentary:

//that may solve some QSetting problems in OS/2

Game controls:


P to pause, R to restart game, F to switch between normal mode/full screen and ESC to exit full screen mode.

Player 1 (right player):

Left and right arrows to move, down arrow to move down faster, B to drop the piece, up arrow to rotate piece counter-clockwise and space to rotate clockwise.

Player 2 (left player):

A and D to move, S to move down faster, X to drop the piece, W to rotate piece counter-clockwise and Q to rotate clockwise.

Configuration files (Windows):

Settings are stored in Windows registry at:



Configuration files (GNU/Linux):

Configurations are stored at $HOME/.config/tubularix/tubularix.conf


Tubularix is available in czech, english, galician and spanish.


Created and maintained by Miguel Escudero Gestal tubularix@gmail.com.

Czech translation: Pavel Fric
